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LHS - Laboratory of High Safety Standard

Laboratory of High Safety Standard (LHS)

A. Leithe-Jasper


Starting from investigations of the chemical physics of rare-earth compounds, the corresponding heavier element systems promise considerable insight into unconventional electronic behavior. Due to a subtle interplay between the constituting elements with respect to their electronic configuration and their physical properties intermetallic compounds represent a wide research area of solid state physics and chemistry.

For this purpose alloys, compounds as well as crystals are synthesized and are subjected to chemical and physical characterization. Since heavy metals are used, special safety precautions are necessary. Inhalation of metal dusts and their escape into the environment has to be prevented. Therefore, all experiments with a latent danger of exposition are performed in closed set-ups under an atmosphere of argon gas. Each glove-box module is dedicated to specific scientific experiments: preparation, synthesis, depot for samples and chemicals, X-ray and metallographic analysis, and crystal growth.

Figure 1. The Laboratory of high safety standards at the MPI-CPfS

Last modified on May 12, 2009 Print version         Top
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