Completed Research Activities
Steffen Wirth
Magnetic Anisotropy
and Texture of Polycrystalline Permanent Magnet Materials
- A fitting routine has been develpoed which allows the simultaneous
determination of anisotropy constants, the saturation polarization and
a texture parameter of polycrystalline, hard magnetic material. Therein,
the reversible rotational magnetization processes determining the
demagnetization curves in the first quadrant of the J-H-plane
after initial saturation of the sample are analyzed. Advantages:
polycrystalline material can be investigated and the maximum field
neccessary can be smaller than the anisotropy field of the material.
- In its basic version, the two anisotropy constants
K1 and K2, the texture parameter of
an assumed rotationally symmetric texture function, the saturation
magnetization JS as well as the contributions of a
high-field susceptibility and a soft phase to the sample magnetization
can be determined. The texture of permanent magnets has been studied
extensively [3]. Results on the formation
of texture in NdFeB material have been compared to X-ray measurements
- Extensive studies of Sm2Fe17ZX
compounds (with Z = N, C, H) have been performed by means of this
procedure [7],
[12], [14].
Main result: accurate values for the crystalline electric field. Also
NdFeB materials have been studied, mainly to establish the procedure
- The fit procedure has been adapted to allow for the investigation
of Sm3Fe29NX compound which show a
monoclinic crystalline structure [13].
- Another adaption accounts for biaxial textures (as e.g. in hot
rolled NdFeB materials) [10].
- A special case of field and orientation dependence of the spontaneous
magnetization has been taken into account.
- Statistical mathematics has been applied to check on the
applicability of the fit procedure as well as to find the accuracy of
the results.
- An overview has been given in [20].
Structural and
Magnetic Properties of Interstitially Modificated Rare-earth
(this work was mainly
performed during my stays in
- The formation and structural properties of
Sm2Fe17Zx (Z = N, C, H) compounds have
been studied [2]. It has been shown that
Sm2Fe17Nx with intermediate N
content can be prepared as single phase material - an important issue
for application of this material in permanent magnets. The interstitial
modification of rare-earth intermetallics has been investigated in
detail [B1], especially the diffusion
leading to the formation of the modified compounds
- The magnetic properties, especially the crystalline electric field
of these compound have been studied [14].
Reversal in Polycrystalline Permanent Magnets
- An experimental procedure for determination of the angular
and field distribution of the magnetization reversal in polycrystalline
samples has been developed [1]. The
procedure has been established by application to strongly diluted
Ba-ferrite samples in which the angular dependence of the switching
field corresponds to the predictions of the Stoner-Wohlfarth model.
- The experimental procedure has been generalized to account for
magnetostatic interactions in the global approximation of a demagnetizing
field [9]. Moreover, the switching
probability in dependence on the magnitude and orientation of
the applied field (with respect to the grain's easy magnetization
direction) has been experimentally determined. Basically, this
probability generalizes the switching field distribution (for arbitrary
angle) and the angular dependence of the switching field (by taking into
account the distribution of the switching field). From this, the
magnetization reversal process can be analyzed in more detail.
Viscosity in Permanent Magnets
- The magnetic viscosity of sintered
(Nd,Dy)15(Fe,Mo,Co,Al)77B8 has been
investigated (mainly during my stay in
Grenoble )
[5]. This material shows the curious
effect that its coercivity can reversibly be changed by a heat
treatment (minimum coercivity at room temperature 1.3 T after a heat
treatment at 850 K, maximum coercivity 2.4 T after treatment at 1025 K).
The intrinsic properties of this material show no significant change
due to the heat treatment. A possible explaination for this effect
supported by viscosity measurements is that the grains are chemically
or/and topologically change very close to their surface infuencing the
nucleation of reversed domains.
- Viscosity and magnetization processes of the exchange coupled, two
phase material Nd4Fe77B19 has been
investigated [6].
- Investigation of the structural and magnetic properties of the
shape-memory ferromagnetic Heusler alloy Ni2MnGa
[15]. It has been found that the cubic
phase can be suppressed by a certain Ni excess substituting Mn. The
tetragonal phase is thus established at room temperature showing
easy-axis anisotropy. The Curie temperature (376 K) is not influenced
by this substitution.
- The stray field in Sm2Fe17N3
has been evaluated by comparison of ac- and differential dc-
susceptiblity [8].
- A VSM has been designed using permanent magnets for field
generation. The eight pick-up coils measure the magnetization components
in two perpendicular directions (vector measurement) and were
optimized for maximum signal sensitivity and minimum sensitivity against
small sample displacement by numerical simulations.