Emmy Noether Group at the MPI CPfS

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Contact Ina HÜBNER:
Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
Nöthnitzer Str. 40
01187 Dresden, Germany

  +49 351 4646 4211
  +49 351 4646 4002

E-mail: inahuebner@gmx.net
Ina Hübner
Personal background

1997-2004  I studied Economic- and Socialgeography at the University of Technology Dresden and at Linköpings Universitet (Sweden)

Diploma Thesis: Grünflächen als Beitrag zur urbanen Lebensqualität - Am Beispiel des Alaunplatzes in Dresden

since Feb 2005   Student assistent at the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids: data visualisation and presentation, web design