Emmy Noether Group at the MPI CPfS

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Contact Oleg JANSON:
Department of Crystallography at the St. Petersburg State University
Universitetskaya nab. 7/9
199034 St. Petersburg, Russia

  +7 812 328 9647

Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
Noethnitzer Str. 40
01187 Dresden, Germany

  +49 351 4646 4419
  +49 351 4646 4002
E-mail: janson@cpfs.mpg.de and olegjanson@mail.ru

Oleg Janson
Personal background

2005  Bachelor in geology at the St. Petersburg State University, Department of Crystallography (Russia)

since 2005  Master thesis at the St. Petersburg State University and at the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids

Scientific research topic
Master thesis: Quantum chemical and crystal chemical investigations of exhalative minerals and related inorganic compounds
Abstract of scientific research topic

Discovered during the last three decades after the Tolbachik eruption (1975-76, Kamchatka, Russia), new volcanic exhalative minerals exhibit a variety of crystal structures. Several of these minerals contain oxocentered tetrahedra (for example OCu4) as the most rigid element of their crystal structure. These tetrahedra can be linked in a number of ways to build chains, layers or three dimensional frameworks. Many of these natural compounds (oxygen-containing compounds: oxides, selenates, arsenates, vanadates etc.) also contain transition metals in magnetically active oxidation states, and show interesting magnetic properties. The relations between crystal structures and magnetic properties can be investigated by combining experimental (x-ray diffraction analysis, measurement of magnetic susceptebility and specific heat at low temperatures) with theoretical methods (DFT calculations) and subsequent modeling (tight-binding models, Hubbard and Heisenberg models) of the relevant low energy states including strong electron-electron correlations.


  • S.K. Filatov, P. Paufler, L.P. Vergasova, A.A. Levin, O.M. Janson, D.C. Meyer, The modeling of hypergenesis process on volcanoes using vacuum by the sample of new mineral lesukite, Al2(OH)5Cl * 2H2O, The notes of Russian Mineralogical Society, vol. 134, pp. 104-109, 2005.
  • O.M. Janson, X-ray diffraction analysis of vacuum treated new bauxite mineral-lesukite Al2(OH)5Cl * 2H2O, St. Petersburg University Bulletin, issue 2, 2005.