Emmy Noether Group at the MPI CPfS

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Contact Katrin KOCH:
Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
Nöthnitzer Str. 40
01187 Dresden, Germany

  +49 351 4646 4211
  +49 351 4646 4002

E-mail: koch@cpfs.mpg.de
Katrin Koch
Personal background

1999-2005   I studied physics at the University Friedrich Schiller Jena and at Umeå Universitet (Sweden).

Diploma thesis in Theoretical Physics (Quantum Field Theory): "Vakuumfluktuationen und nichtlineare Elektrodynamik".

since Oct. 2005   PhD student at the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids associated with the International Max-Planck Research School "Dynamical Processes in Atoms, Molecules, and Solids"

Scientific research topic

Dissertation topic: "Electron density (ED), chemical bonding and magnetism in intermetallic compounds "

This study focuses on the following topics:

  •  Investigation of the relation of ED (real space) and spectroscopic properties (k-space) like de-Haas-van-Alphen frequencies or photoemission spectra:
    • comparison of calculated ED with ED reconstructed from high resolution x-ray data
    • comparison of density functional theory (DFT) calculations vs. Hartree Fock results
    • comparison of calculations using full potential vs. spherically averaged potential

  • Implementation of a module to the FPLO code for the calculation/description of NMR data
  • Developement of a scheme for the improved treatment of spin fluctuations in itinerant magnets
Posters and Talks


  • K. Koch, H. Rosner, and Y. Grin, Electron charge density and the influence of vacancies in metal diborides, European Charge Density Meeting IV, Bollmannsruh (Brandenburg), January 2006.