Emmy Noether Group at the MPI CPfS

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Contact Vivien PETZOLD:
Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
Nöthnitzer Str. 40
01187 Dresden, Germany

  +49 351 4646 4211
  +49 351 4646 4002

E-mail: vivien.petzold@gmx.net
Vivien Petzold
Personal background

since 2001   I am studying physics at the University of Technology Dresden.

since 2004   In 2004 Helge persuaded me in his lectures of the interesting research one can do with FPLO. Since that time I am working as a research assistent at the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids.

Scientific research topic

Diploma thesis: Electronic structure and related superconducting properties of conventional superconductors

Abstract of scientific research topic

A detailed knowledge of the electronic structure of a compound is the prerequisite for the understanding of its superconducting properties. The theoretical study of MgB2 is one of the most encouraging examples for a successful electronic structure approach explaining its superconducting properties in great detail. On the other hand, the knowledge about the influence of substitutional disorder on a microscopic basis is still unsatisfactory. In this work, the electronic structure of substitutionally disordered intermetallic compounds shall be investigated on the basis of density functional calculations. Because of the simplicity of its crystal structure and the rich experimental data base, MgB2 related systems like MgScB2 or Mg1-x(Al1-yLiy)xB2 are an ideal starting point for such investigations. The calculations shall be done in different approximations (VCA, CPA, supercells) and will be compared with recent experimental results like de-Haas-van-Alphen measurements, optical spectra and thermodynamic properties.

Publication and Poster


  • A. Mehta, P. Höhn, W. Schnelle, H. Rosner, V. Petzold, U. Burkhardt, and R. Kniep, Ba2(Ni3N2): A low valent Nitridonickelate - Synthesis, Structure and Physical Properties, Chem. Europ. Journ., in print. download pre-print (1,1 MB, PDF)


  • V. Petzold, and H. Rosner, Electronic structure and electron phonon coupling in Sc doped MgB2, DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin 2005.
  • M. Schmitt, V. Petzold, D. Clausnitzer, W. Wustmann, C. Räder, R. Cliemt, U. Lorenz, and H. Rosner, Crystal structures and electronic properties of (A3)E (A = Ca, Sr, Ba; E = Sb, Bi), DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin 2005.