This section contains some further programs which do some important manipulations in magnetism, ...
usage: anisotropy -h anisotropy T H xn yn zn nofsteps [-r sipffilename Hxc1 Hxc2 ... Hxcnofcomponents] -h : this (help) message T : temperature in Kelvin H : absolute value of the external magnetic field (T) xn,yn,zn : direction normal to plane, in which the anisotropy should be calculated ... e.g. if you want to calculate the anisotropy in the xy plane, then enter xn yn zn = 0 0 1 nofsteps : number of steps to be calculated option: -r sipffilename: filename of single ion parameter file Hxc1,Hxc2,... are the exchange field components (meV) (exchange field is kept constant, external magnetic field is rotated in the anisotropy calculation) output files: ./results/anisotropy.out contains anisotropy information
output: files can be found in directory results, is created with fitted function and parameter values
Note: if an ion is not implemented, it's parameters can be entered in a single ion property file and pointc is started as pointc file.sipf 0.2 4 1 5.3
the single ion property file must then contain the following information (# denotes comments):
#the name of the ion IONTYPE=Ce3+ #stevens parameters (optional, necessary for output of Blm) ALPHA=-0.0571429 BETA=0.00634921 GAMMA=0 # the radial matrix elements RN=<r^N> in units of a0^N (a0=0.5292 A) R2=1.309 R4=3.964 R6=23.31 # alternatively the radial wave function can be given: # radial wave function parameters R_Np,XIp(r)= r^(Np-1) . exp(-xi r) . (2 XIp)^(Np+0.5) / %%@ sqrt(2Np!) # values tabulated in clementi & roetti Atomic data and nuclear data tables 14 (1974) %%@ 177-478 # Co2+ is isoelectronic to Fe+, looking at page 422 of Clemente & Roetti # the 3D radial wave function is expanded as R(r)=sum_p C_p R_Np,XIp(r) N1=3 XI1=4.95296 C1=0.36301 N2=3 XI2=12.2963 C2=0.02707 N3=3 XI3=7.03565 C3=0.14777 N4=3 XI4=2.74850 C4=0.49771 N5=3 XI5=1.69027 C5=0.11388 # if the above parameters are given the radial wave function is output to file %%@ radwavfun.dat
No name crystal coordinates cartesian coordinates x y z x y z ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Sr1 0.3644 0.0000 0.2500 1.0962 -4.1497 -2.7991 ...
Rotates a set of crystal field parameters for Stevens equivalent operators by an azimuthal angle fi about the original z axis and a polar angle theta about the new y axis. A right hand axis system is assumed and a positive rotation is one which advances a right-hand screw in a positive direction along the axis. The calculations are done by means of matrix multiplication based on the method of Buckmaster (phys. stat. sol. a, vol 13, pp 9, 1972) and Rudowicz (J. Phys: Solid State Phys., vol 18, pp 1415, 1985). usage: $0 [-h] [--help] [-i input_file] [--input input_file] [-o output_file] [--output output_file] [-v] [--verbose] [-th theta] [-fi fi] [CF parameters] -h : this (help) message -i in_file : input CF parameters file in cfield or mcphase formats -o out_file : output CF parameters file in mcphase format -v : verbose mode. Will print out input parameters as read. -th : polar angle theta in degrees -fi : azimuthal angle fi in degrees if -i is omitted, the program will assume the input CF parameters are given on the command line in the format: Bkq=x.xx,Bkq=x.xx, etc. e.g. $0 B20=0.21,B40=0.0005,B60=0.051,B66=0.626 negative q parameters such as B_2^{-2}, are specified as: B22S, with an 'S' at the end, as per the McPhase convention. you may also specify the ion type by a dding another parameter after the CF parameters: e.g. $0 B20=0.21,B40=0.5 Pr3+ if -o is omitted, the program prints the parameters to standard output.
-h : print help message hkl : Miller indices of propagation vector required input files: mcphas.j (+ single ion paramter files) : structural information including all magnetic atoms output files: mcdisp.par : contains propagation vector and list of other hkl to be probed : required input file for mcdisp calcsta : required input file for simannfit and searchspace file with fitparameters for Bethe slater, RKKY fits fit.bat : batch to start the fit
After running this program you can start immediately a fit of exchange
parameters. Edit and fit.bat to fine tune the fit
according to your needs.
During fitting a value of sta indicates, that the maximum of
at the propagation vector tau. How much it is below one depends on the
magnitude of
for the competing wavevectors in the list inmcdisp.par.
-h : this (help) message T : Temperature (K) Ha,Hb,Hc : Magnetic Field (T) required input files: results/mcphas.sps : result of a mcphas calculation output files: : required input file for mcdiff - after running this program you can start mcdiff to do the calculation magnetic diffraction pattern
-h : this (help) message T : Temperature (K) Ha,Hb,Hc : Magnetic Field (T) required input files: results/ : result of a mcphas calculation output files: : required input file for mcdisp - after running this program you can start mcdisp to do the calculation of dispersion of excitations or diffuse scattering
-h : print help message required input files: mcphas.j (+ single ion parameter files) : structural information including all magnetic atoms output files: mcphas.j.forfit : all interaction parameters are substituted with parJxxx[0.0,-1e0,1e0,0,1e-6] - after running this program you must setup a file calcsta to calculate the standard deviation and then you can start a fit by simannfit or searchspace
Hext ..... external field in Tesla Hxc... exchange (molecular) field in meVsingleion reads mcphas.j and the singleion parameter files quoted therein and calculatesenergies, eigenstates, expectation values
for each single ion property file the following files are generated:
results/file.sipf.levels.cef .. energy levels and eigenstates and <I> results/file.sipf.trs ......... transition energies,matrix elements and (powder) neutron intensities results/_file.sipf ......... parameters as read by singleion options: -nt ......... by default only 5 transition energies are output, if you want more, start e.g. with option -nt 7 to output 7 transition energies -pinit 0.1 .. consider only transitions with population of initial state > 0.1 -ninit 3 ... consider only transitions from the 3 lowest eigenstates -maxE 30 ... consider only transitions with energy lower than 30 meV -r ion.sipf . do not read mcphas-j but only the single ion parameter file ion.sipf -M ......... calculate expectation values and transition matrix elements for magnetic moment M instead of I -S ......... calculate expectation values and transition matrix elements for spin S -L ......... calculate expectation values and transition matrix elements for orbital momentum L note: for calculating T or H dependencies you can put single ion in a loop and pipe the result into a file .... linux: for B in $(seq 0 0.1 14); do singleion 2 $B 0 0 0 0 0; done > results/fielddep.dat .... windows command line: for /L %B in (0,1,14) do singleion 2 %B 0 0 0 0 0 >> results\fielddep.dat .... windows batch file (needed for noninteger numbers): @echo off && setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /L %%I in (0,2,140) do ( set /A W=%%I/10 && set /A "f = %%I %% 10" set B=!w!.!f! @echo on && singleion 2 0 0 !B! 0 0 0 && @echo off ) endlocal && @echo on