The crystal field ground state of a magnetic ion often can be
approximated by a doublet. In this description the crystal field
anisotropy enters by defining the saturation moment of this doublet
in ,
direction: denoting the two states of the doublet
the non vanishing matrix elements of the angular momentum
operator can be abbreviated by
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then the single ion Hamiltonian
can be written as
This Hamilton may be diagonalised yielding the 2 eigenvalues
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(158) |
and the eigenvectors
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(159) |
using Boltzmann statistics (
) the expectation values of the magnetic
moment can be calculated as
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The magnetic energy can be calculated
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For the calculation of the magnetic excitations the program mcdisp needs also a function which calculates the transition matrix elements
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(165) |
using the expressions
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(168) |
The module given in /examples/cecu2a/kramer.c can be compiled
by typing make in the directory /examples/cecu2a/ thus using the
/examples/cecu2a/makefile. It diagonalises
the Hamiltonian (184) and calculates the thermal expectation
value of the vector
. The moment
is returned to the mcphas program:
// example c file for dynamically loadable module of program // mcphas ... it must not be c++, but pure c compiled with gcc and linked // with ld !! The calculation has been compared to the internal (doublet) // routine of mcphas #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <complex> #include <vector.h> #define MU_B 0.05788 #define K_B 0.0862 #define SMALL 1e-10 #define PI 3.14159265 // this is called directly after loading it into memory from dlopen #ifdef __linux__ //extern "C" void _init(void) #else //extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)void _init(void) #endif //{ fprintf(stdout," is loaded\n");} // called just before removing from memory #ifdef __linux__ //extern "C" void _fini(void) #else //extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void _fini(void) #endif //{ fprintf(stdout," is removed\n");} //routine Icalc for kramers doublet #ifdef __MINGW32__ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void Icalc(Vector & Jr,double * T, Vector & Hxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J, Vector & MODPAR,char ** sipffile, double * lnZ,double * U,ComplexMatrix & est) #else extern "C" void Icalc(Vector & Jr,double * T, Vector & Hxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J, Vector & MODPAR,char ** sipffile, double * lnZ,double * U,ComplexMatrix & est) #endif { /*on input T temperature[K] gJmbHin vector of effective field [meV] gJ Lande factor MODPAR single ion parameter values (A, B, C corresponding to <+|Ja|->,<-|Jb|->,<+|Jc|->/i MODPAR4= angle of rotation around c axis (deg) MODPAR5= angle of rotation around new x axis (degree) on output J single ion momentum vector <J> Z single ion partition function U single ion magnetic energy */ // check dimensions of vector if(Jr.Hi()!=3||Hxc.Hi()!=3||MODPAR.Hi()!=5) {fprintf(stderr,"Error loadable module wrong number of dimensions - check number of columns in file mcphas.j or number of parameters in single ion property file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE);} Vector gjmbHin(1,Hxc.Hi()); gjmbHin=Hxc+(*g_J)*MU_B*Hext; // rotate effective field double sf=sin(MODPAR(4)*PI/180); double cf=cos(MODPAR(4)*PI/180); double st=sin(-MODPAR(5)*PI/180); double ct=cos(-MODPAR(5)*PI/180); Vector J(1,3); Vector gjmbH(1,3); Matrix rot(1,3,1,3); rot(1,1)=cf; rot(1,2)=sf; rot(1,3)=0; rot(2,1)=-ct*sf;rot(2,2)=ct*cf;rot(2,3)=-st; rot(3,1)=-st*sf;rot(3,2)=st*cf;rot(3,3)=ct; Matrix brot(1,3,1,3); brot(1,1)=cf; brot(1,2)=-sf*ct; brot(1,3)=-st*sf; brot(2,1)=sf;brot(2,2)=ct*cf;brot(2,3)=st*cf; brot(3,1)=0.0 ;brot(3,2)=-st;brot(3,3)=ct; //printf("%g %g %g\n",gjmbHin(1),gjmbHin(2),gjmbHin(3)); gjmbH=rot*gjmbHin; //printf("%g %g %g\n",gjmbH(1),gjmbH(2),gjmbH(3)); double alpha, betar, betai, lambdap,lambdap_K_BT, lambdap2, expp, expm, np, nm; double nennerp, nennerm, jap, jam, jbp, jbm, jcp, jcm,Z; double alpha_lambdap,alphaplambdap,alphaxlambdap; alpha = MODPAR[2] * gjmbH[2]; betar = -MODPAR[1] * gjmbH[1]; betai = -MODPAR[3] * gjmbH[3]; lambdap2 = alpha * alpha + betar * betar + betai * betai; lambdap = sqrt (lambdap2); lambdap_K_BT=lambdap/K_B/(*T); if (lambdap_K_BT>700){lambdap_K_BT=700;} if (lambdap_K_BT<-700){lambdap_K_BT=-700;} expm = exp (lambdap_K_BT); expp = 1/expm; //=exp (-lambdap_K_BT); Z = expp + expm; (*lnZ)=log(Z); np = expp / Z; nm = expm / Z; (*U)=lambdap*(np-nm); // energy //printf("T=%g expp=%g expm=%g \n",(*T),expp,expm); // nennerp = (alpha - lambdap) * (alpha - lambdap) + betar * betar + betai * betai; // nennerm = (alpha + lambdap) * (alpha + lambdap) + betar * betar + betai * betai; alphaxlambdap=alpha*lambdap; alpha_lambdap=alpha-lambdap; alphaplambdap=alpha+lambdap; nennerp= 2.0*(-alphaxlambdap+lambdap2); nennerm= 2.0*(alphaxlambdap+lambdap2); if (nennerp > SMALL) { jap = -MODPAR[1] * 2.0 * betar * (alpha_lambdap) / nennerp; // jbp = M * ((alpha_lambdap) * (alpha_lambdap) - (betar * betar + betai * betai)) / nennerp; jbp = MODPAR[2] * (2.0 * alpha*alpha_lambdap) / nennerp; jcp = -2.0 * MODPAR[3] * betai * (alpha_lambdap) / nennerp; } else { jap = 0; if (alpha * alpha > SMALL) { jbp = -copysign (MODPAR[2], alpha); } else { jbp = 0; } jcp = 0; } if (nennerm > SMALL) { jam = -MODPAR[1] * 2.0 * betar * (alphaplambdap) / nennerm; // jbm = M * ((alpha + lambdap) * (alpha + lambdap) - (betar * betar + betai * betai)) / nennerm; jbm = MODPAR[2] * (2.0 * alpha*alphaplambdap) / nennerm; jcm = -2.0 * MODPAR[3] * betai * (alphaplambdap) / nennerm; } else { jam = 0; if (alpha * alpha > SMALL) { jbm = copysign (MODPAR[2], alpha); } else { jbm = 0; } jcm = 0; } J[1] = np * jap + nm * jam; J[2] = np * jbp + nm * jbm; J[3] = np * jcp + nm * jcm; // printf ("np=%g nm=%g jap=%g jbp=%g jcp=%g jam=%g jbm=%g jcm=%g \n",np,nm,jap,jbp,jcp,jam,jbm,jcm); // printf ("gjmbHa=%g gjmbHb=%g gjmbHc=%g Ja=%g Jb=%g Jc=%g \n", gjmbH[1], gjmbH[2], gjmbH[3], J[1], J[2], J[3]); //printf("J %g %g %g\n",J(1),J(2),J(3)); Jr=brot*J; //printf("J %g %g %g\n",Jr(1),Jr(2),Jr(3)); return; } #ifdef __MINGW32__ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void mcalc(Vector & Jr,double * T, Vector & Hxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J, Vector & MODPAR,char ** sipffile, ComplexMatrix & est) #else extern "C" void mcalc(Vector & Jr,double * T, Vector & Hxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J, Vector & MODPAR,char ** sipffile, ComplexMatrix & est) #endif { double U,lnz; Icalc(Jr,T, Hxc,Hext,g_J,MODPAR,sipffile,&U,&lnz,est); } /**************************************************************************/ // for mcdisp this routine is needed #ifdef __MINGW32__ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int du1calc(int & tn,double & T, Vector & Hxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J,Vector & MODPAR, char ** sipffile, ComplexVector & u1r,float & delta,ComplexMatrix & est) #else extern "C" int du1calc(int & tn,double & T, Vector & Hxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J,Vector & MODPAR, char ** sipffile, ComplexVector & u1r,float & delta,ComplexMatrix & est) #endif { /*on input tn transition-number - meaningless for kramers doublet, because there is only one transition MODPAR A,M,Ci...saturation moment/gJ[MU_B] of groundstate doublet in a.b.c direction g_J lande factor T temperature[K] gjmbH vector of effective field [meV] on output delta splitting of kramers doublet [meV] u1r(i) <-|Ji-<Ji>|+> sqrt(tanh(delta/2kT)) */ double alpha, betar, betai, lambdap,lambdap_K_BT, lambdap2, expp, expm, np, nm; double nennerp, nennerm, nenner; complex<double> ja,jb,jc,i(0,1),jap,jbp,jcp,jam,jbm,jcm; double alpha_lambdap,alphaplambdap,alphaxlambdap; double Z,lnz,u; static int pr; static Vector gjmbHin(1,3); gjmbHin=Hxc+(*g_J)*MU_B*Hext; static Vector Jin(1,3); static Vector J(1,3); static ComplexVector u1(1,3); // clalculate thermal expectation values (needed for quasielastic scattering) Jin=0;if(T>0){ Icalc(Jin,&T,Hxc,Hext,g_J,MODPAR,sipffile,&lnz,&u,est);} else {T=-T;} // rotate effective field double sf=sin(MODPAR(4)*PI/180); double cf=cos(MODPAR(4)*PI/180); double st=sin(-MODPAR(5)*PI/180); double ct=cos(-MODPAR(5)*PI/180); Vector gjmbH(1,3); Matrix rot(1,3,1,3); rot(1,1)=cf; rot(1,2)=sf; rot(1,3)=0; rot(2,1)=-ct*sf;rot(2,2)=ct*cf;rot(2,3)=-st; rot(3,1)=-st*sf;rot(3,2)=st*cf;rot(3,3)=ct; Matrix brot(1,3,1,3); brot(1,1)=cf; brot(1,2)=-sf*ct; brot(1,3)=-st*sf; brot(2,1)=sf;brot(2,2)=ct*cf;brot(2,3)=st*cf; brot(3,1)=0.0 ;brot(3,2)=-st;brot(3,3)=ct; gjmbH=rot*gjmbHin; J=rot*Jin; pr=0; if (tn<0) {pr=1;tn*=-1;} alpha = MODPAR[2] * gjmbH[2]; betar = -MODPAR[1] * gjmbH[1]; betai = -MODPAR[3] * gjmbH[3]; lambdap2 = alpha * alpha + betar * betar + betai * betai; lambdap = sqrt (lambdap2); lambdap_K_BT=lambdap/K_B/T; if (lambdap_K_BT>700){lambdap_K_BT=700;} if (lambdap_K_BT<-700){lambdap_K_BT=-700;} expm = exp (lambdap_K_BT); expp = 1/expm; //=exp (-lambdap_K_BT); Z = expp + expm; np = expp / Z; nm = expm / Z; // nennerp = (alpha - lambdap) * (alpha - lambdap) + betar * betar + betai * betai; // nennerm = (alpha + lambdap) * (alpha + lambdap) + betar * betar + betai * betai; alphaxlambdap=alpha*lambdap; alpha_lambdap=alpha-lambdap; alphaplambdap=alpha+lambdap; nennerp= 2.0*(-alphaxlambdap+lambdap2); nennerm= 2.0*(alphaxlambdap+lambdap2); if (tn==2) {delta=2*lambdap; //set delta !!! nenner=sqrt(nennerp*nennerm); if (nenner > SMALL) { ja = -MODPAR[1] * 2.0*(alpha * betar+i * betai * lambdap) / nenner; jb = -MODPAR[2] * 2.0 * (betar*betar+betai*betai) / nenner; jc = -MODPAR[3] * 2.0*(alpha*betai -i *betar*lambdap) / nenner; } else { if (alpha > SMALL) {ja = MODPAR[1]; // <-| is the ground state jb = 0; jc = -i*MODPAR[3]; } else {ja = MODPAR[1]; // <+| is the ground state jb = 0; jc = i*MODPAR[3]; } } if (delta>SMALL) {// now lets calculate mat u1(1)=ja*sqrt(nm-np); u1(2)=jb*sqrt(nm-np); u1(3)=jc*sqrt(nm-np); } else {// quasielastic scattering needs epsilon * nm / KT .... u1(1)=ja*sqrt(nm/K_B/T); u1(2)=jb*sqrt(nm/K_B/T); u1(3)=jc*sqrt(nm/K_B/T); } } else { delta=-SMALL; // transition within the same level if (nennerp > SMALL) { jap = -MODPAR[1] * 2.0 * betar * (alpha_lambdap) / nennerp; // jbp = M * ((alpha_lambdap) * (alpha_lambdap) - (betar * betar + betai * betai)) / nennerp; jbp = MODPAR[2] * (2.0 * alpha*alpha_lambdap) / nennerp; jcp = -2.0 * MODPAR[3] * betai * (alpha_lambdap) / nennerp; } else { jap = 0; if (alpha * alpha > SMALL) { jbp = -copysign (MODPAR[2], alpha); } else { jbp = -MODPAR[2]; } jcp = 0; } if (nennerm > SMALL) { jam = -MODPAR[1] * 2.0 * betar * (alphaplambdap) / nennerm; // jbm = M * ((alpha + lambdap) * (alpha + lambdap) - (betar * betar + betai * betai)) / nennerm; jbm = MODPAR[2] * (2.0 * alpha*alphaplambdap) / nennerm; jcm = -2.0 * MODPAR[3] * betai * (alphaplambdap) / nennerm; } else { jam = 0; if (alpha * alpha > SMALL) { jbm = copysign (MODPAR[2], alpha); } else { jbm = MODPAR[2]; } jcm = 0; } if (tn==1) {// now lets calculate mat u1(1)=(jam-J(1))*sqrt(nm/K_B/T); u1(2)=(jbm-J(2))*sqrt(nm/K_B/T); u1(3)=(jcm-J(3))*sqrt(nm/K_B/T); }else{ // tn = 3 in this case // now lets calculate mat u1(1)=(jap-J(1))*sqrt(np/K_B/T); u1(2)=(jbp-J(2))*sqrt(np/K_B/T); u1(3)=(jcp-J(3))*sqrt(np/K_B/T); } } if (pr==1) printf ("delta=%4.6g meV\n",delta); // rotate back mat(i,j) for(int i=1;i<=3;++i)for(int j=1;j<=3;++j){ u1r(i)=0.0; for(int i1=1;i1<=3;++i1){ u1r(i)+=brot(i,i1)*u1(i1); }} return 3;// kramers doublet has always exactly one transition + 2 levels (quasielastic scattering)! } /**************************************************************************/ // for mcdisp this routine is needed #ifdef __MINGW32__ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int dm1(int & tn,double & T, Vector & Hxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J,Vector & MODPAR, char ** sipffile, ComplexVector & m1,float & maxE,ComplexMatrix & est) #else extern "C" int dm1(int & tn,double & T, Vector & Hxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J,Vector & MODPAR, char ** sipffile, ComplexVector & m1,float & maxE,ComplexMatrix & est) #endif {int nnt; nnt=du1calc(tn,T,Hxc,Hext,g_J,MODPAR,sipffile,m1,maxE,est);m1*=(*g_J);return nnt; } //