A magnetic ion often can be described by a pure spin moment (transition
metal ions, Gd,
Eu). In this description the magnetic moment
is calculated by the Brillouin function.
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Note that the partition sum is given by
This is all what is needed to calculate the mean field ground state with
module mcphas.
For the calculation of the dynamical properties using module mcdisp
the single ion susceptibility of for a free magnetic ion is needed. In principle
there are (J-1) transitions with non vanishing matrix elements of
the momentum operator with all having the same
excitation energy
These different transitions can
be combined into one effective inelastic excitation. The corresponding
transition matrix to be used in equation (77) of the MF-RPA formalism
is given by
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with the angular dependence given by the vector
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and with the sum given by
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The module given in /examples/gdni2b2c/1ion_mod/brillouin.c
can be compiled
by typing make in the directory /examples/gdni2b2c/1ion_mod/ thus using the
/examples/gdni2b2c/1ion_mod/makefile. It
evaluates the Brillouin function and thus calculates the thermal expectation
value of the vector
The moment
is returned to the mcphas program:
// module brillouin.c // example c file for dynamically loadable module of program // mcphas ... this must not contain c++ code, but pure c code // which is being compiled with gcc and linked // with ld !! #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <complex> #include <vector.h> #define MU_B 0.05788 #define K_B 0.0862 #define SMALL 1e-10 // this is called directly after loading it into memory from dlopen void _init(void) { fprintf(stdout,"brillouin.so: is loaded\n");} // called just before removing from memory void _fini(void) { fprintf(stdout,"brillouin.so: is removed\n");} //routine Icalc for brillouin #ifdef __MINGW32__ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void Icalc(Vector & J,double * T, Vector & gjmbHxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J, Vector & ABC,char ** sipffile, double * lnZ,double * U,ComplexMatrix & est) #else extern "C" void Icalc(Vector & J,double * T, Vector & gjmbHxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J, Vector & ABC,char ** sipffile, double * lnZ,double * U,ComplexMatrix & est) #endif { /*on input T temperature[K] gJmbH vector of effective field [meV] gJ Lande factor ABC ABC(1) ... spin quantum number S=J on output J single ion momentum vector <J> Z single ion partition function U single ion magnetic energy */ Vector gjmbH(1,gjmbHxc.Hi()); gjmbH=gjmbHxc+(*g_J)*MU_B*Hext; // check dimensions of vector if(J.Hi()!=3||gjmbH.Hi()!=3||ABC.Hi()!=1) {fprintf(stderr,"Error loadable module brillouin.so: wrong number of dimensions - check number of columns in file mcphas.j or number of parameters in single ion property file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE);} double JJ,K_BT,XJ,gmhkt,Jav,gmh,Z,X; // program brillouin function for S=J=ABC(1) JJ=ABC[1]; K_BT=(*T)*K_B; gmh=Norm(gjmbH); gmhkt=gmh/K_BT; if(JJ*gmhkt>100||gmhkt>100){Jav=JJ;(*lnZ)=JJ*gmhkt;} else {X=exp(gmhkt); XJ=exp(JJ*gmhkt); //printf("1-X=%g gmh=%g",1-X,gmh); // calculate Brillouin function and partition sum Z if (X<=1.000001){Z=2*JJ+1;Jav=0;} else {Z=(XJ*X-1/XJ)/(X-1.0); Jav=JJ*(XJ*X*X-1/XJ)+(JJ+1)*X*(1.0/XJ-XJ); Jav/=(X-1); Jav/=(XJ*X-1/XJ); } // the above formula is equivalent to the following summing routine: //for (i=-JJ*2;i<=+0.000001;++i) //{dd=i*gmhkt; // if (dd<-700){expp=0;}else{expp=exp(dd);} // Z += expp; //this is not yet Z, a factor exp(J gJ Heff/kT) is missing //} //Jav=0; //for (i=-JJ*2;i<=+0.000001;++i) //{dd=i*gmhkt; // if (dd<-700){expp=0;}else{expp=exp(dd);} // Jav+=(JJ+i)*expp/Z; //} //Z*=exp(JJ*gmhkt); //this is now the correct Z // calculate magnetic energy U (*lnZ)=log(Z); } (*U)=-gmh*Jav; if (gmh>0) { J[1] = Jav*gjmbH(1)/gmh; J[2] = Jav*gjmbH(2)/gmh; J[3] = Jav*gjmbH(3)/gmh; } else {J=0;} // printf ("Ha=%g Hb=%g Hc=%g ma=%g mb=%g mc=%g \n", H[1], H[2], H[3], m[1], m[2], m[3]); return; } #ifdef __MINGW32__ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void mcalc(Vector & J,double * T, Vector & gjmbHxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J, Vector & ABC,char ** sipffile, ComplexMatrix & est) #else extern "C" void mcalc(Vector & J,double * T, Vector & gjmbHxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J, Vector & ABC,char ** sipffile, ComplexMatrix & est) #endif {double lnZ,U; Icalc(J,T,gjmbHxc,Hext,g_J,ABC,sipffile,&lnZ,&U,est); double GJ=2.0; J*=GJ; } /**************************************************************************/ // for mcdisp this routine is needed #ifdef __MINGW32 extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int du1calc(int & tn,double & T,Vector & gjmbHxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J,Vector & ABC, char ** sipffile, ComplexVector & u1,float & delta,ComplexMatrix & est) #else extern "C" int du1calc(int & tn,double & T,Vector & gjmbHxc,Vector & Hext,double * g_J,Vector & ABC, char ** sipffile, ComplexVector & u1,float & delta,ComplexMatrix & est) #endif { /*on input tn transition-number ABC A,M,Ci...saturation moment/gJ[MU_B] of groundstate doublet in a.b.c direction g_J lande factor T temperature[K] gjmbH vector of effective field [meV] on output delta splittings [meV] u1(i) transition vector elements ... */ static Vector J(1,3); int pr; Vector gjmbH(1,gjmbHxc.Hi()); gjmbH=gjmbHxc+(*g_J)*MU_B*Hext; // clalculate thermal expectation values (needed for quasielastic scattering) // Icalc(J,&T,gjmbH,g_J,ABC,&lnz,&u); pr=1; if (tn<0) {pr=0;tn*=-1;} if (T<0){T=-T;} double JJ,K_BT,XJ,gmhkt,gmh,Z,R,X,sinth,hxxyy,jjkt; complex <double> i(0,1),bx,by,bz; // program brillouin function for S=J=ABC(1) JJ=ABC[1]; K_BT=T*K_B; gmh=Norm(gjmbH); gmhkt=gmh/K_BT; X=exp(gmhkt); XJ=exp(JJ*gmhkt); // calculate Z and R if (X==1.0){Z=2*JJ+1;R=0;} else {if(X>1e50){Z=XJ;R=-2.0*JJ*XJ;} else {Z=(XJ*X-1/XJ)/(X-1.0); R=JJ*(1/XJ-XJ*X*X)+(JJ+1)*X*(XJ-1.0/XJ); R/=0.5*(X-1)*(X-1); } } // calculate coefficients bx,by,bz hxxyy=gjmbH(1)*gjmbH(1)+gjmbH(2)*gjmbH(2); if (hxxyy/gjmbH(3)/gjmbH(3)>SMALL*SMALL) {sinth=sqrt(hxxyy)/gmh; bx=-gjmbH(2)+i*gjmbH(1)*gjmbH(3)/gmh; bx/=2*gmh*sinth; by=gjmbH(1)+i*gjmbH(2)*gjmbH(3)/gmh; by/=2*gmh*sinth; } else {sinth=0;by=0.5; if(gjmbH(3)>0) {bx=0.5*i;} else {bx=-0.5*i;} } bz=-i*sinth*0.5; // ----------------------------------------- if (tn==2) // transition to finite energy {delta=gmh; //set delta !!! if (delta>SMALL) {// now lets calculate mat u1(1)=bx*sqrt(-R/Z); u1(2)=by*sqrt(-R/Z); u1(3)=bz*sqrt(-R/Z); } else {// quasielastic scattering needs epsilon * nm / KT .... jjkt=0.6666667*JJ*(JJ+1)/K_BT; u1(1)=bx*sqrt(jjkt); u1(2)=by*sqrt(jjkt); u1(3)=bz*sqrt(jjkt); } } else { delta=-SMALL; // tn=1 ... transition within the same level if(X==1.0){jjkt=JJ*(2*JJ*JJ+3*JJ+1)/3/K_BT/(2*JJ+1);} else {if(X>1e50) {jjkt=-JJ*JJ*K_BT;} else {jjkt=(1-2*JJ-2*JJ*JJ)/XJ; jjkt+=JJ*JJ/X/XJ; jjkt+=(JJ*JJ+2*JJ+1)*X/XJ; jjkt-=(JJ+1)*(JJ+1)*XJ; jjkt+=(2*JJ*JJ+2*JJ-1)*XJ*X; jjkt-=JJ*JJ*XJ*X*X; jjkt*=X/(1-X)/(1-X); jjkt/=(1/XJ-X*XJ)*K_BT; } } // now lets calculate mat u1(1)=gjmbH(1)*sqrt(jjkt); u1(2)=gjmbH(2)*sqrt(jjkt); u1(3)=gjmbH(3)*sqrt(jjkt); } if (pr==1) printf ("delta=%4.6g meV\n",delta); // brillouin function has 2 effective transitions return 2; } //