Metallographic Preparation
Precision Cut-off machine 300 – 5000 U/min;
Wire-saw and diamond wire-saw in inert atmosphere
hot mounting press
equipment for cold mounting and vacuum impregnation
cold mounting, conductive resins containing Ag, Ni, Cu or graphite for SEM applications
Grinding and Polishing:
semi-automatic grinding and polishing machines with specimen movers and dosing system
Precision lapping and polishing machine (PM5) for preparation of crystallographically defined surfaces of single crystals.
Ion-beam echting apparatus (MetEtch, Gatan)
Preparation of air- and water-sensitive samples:
Ethanol-based libricants and suspensions with abrasives are used for the metallographic preparation or less reactive samples.
Highly senstive materials are handled in a glove -box under intert argon atmosphere. These samples are cold mounted in silver containing epoxy resin which is suitable for SEM and microprobe applications. Normally, surfaces smaller than 1 cm² can be prepared either without lubricants or with oil- or hexane-based liquids. SiC-papers and diamond powder with 3 µm or smaller grain size are used as abrasive materials.
Light-optical Microsopy
innvers microscopes for brightfield, darkfield and polarised light contrast
Material microscope for reflected and transmitted light applications with brightfild, darkfield, polarised light and Nomarski contrast
Vickers micro hardness tester (0.005 N < q < 4 N
Hot stage for light optical microscopy (-100°C < T < 1500°C).
Digitale Imaging
Determination of phase contents and grain size distributions using digitale image processing software (AnalySIS, Olympus)
Density determination
Helium gas-pycnometer for the determination of the macroscopic density of bulk or powdered samples (max. volume 1cm³ , AccuPyc 1330, Micromeritics), density determination of air- and water- sensitive solids
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