Spectroscopy with Neutrons - News
Zero resistance by magnetism
The question about the origin of unconventional superconductivity is one of the central issues in current condensed matter physics. Within an international collaboration scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids discovered that magnetic interactions are responsible for the Cooper pair formation and hence for the lossless current transport. While in conventional superconductors magnetism is detrimental for superconductivity, magnetism is an essential prerequisite for superconductivity in materials displaying unconventional superconductivity.
Forschungsbericht 2012 (in German)
Superconductivity is Pair Work
Electric cables that routinely conduct electricity without loss – physicists have been motivated by this idea ever since superconductivity was discovered 100 years ago.
Max Planck Research 2/2011, 48-55
Almost critical spin fluctuations in normal state CeCu2Si2
Almost critical spin fluctuations are observed in CeCu2Si2 in the vicinity of the quantum critical point, when superconductivity is suppressed by a magnetic field. The magnetic excitation spectrum then is characterized by quasielastic magnetic fluctuations with an almost diverging lifetime for T ->0.
Spin Fluctuations in Normal State CeCu2Si2 on Approaching the Quantum Critical Point
J. Arndt, O. Stockert, K. Schmalzl, E. Faulhaber, H. S. Jeevan, C. Geibel, W. Schmidt, M. Loewenhaupt, F. Steglich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 246401 (2011)
Magnetism relieves electrons of their resistance
Magnetic interaction cause the forming of Cooper pairs and enable the unconventional superconductivity
Magnetically driven superconductivity in CeCu2Si2
O. Stockert, J. Arndt, E. Faulhaber, C. Geibel, H. S. Jeevan, S. Kirchner, M. Loewenhaupt, K. Schmalzl, W. Schmidt, Q. Si, F. Steglich
Nature Physics 7, 119 (2011)
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