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Personal Information
Official Presentations
Nationality: Swedish citizen
Date of Birth: 21st April 1973
Place of Birth: Enskede, Stockholm, Sweden
Family Status: Married, one daughter, one son
Career | Time | Site |
Priv. Doz. | 3 June 2015 |
Chemistry Department, Technical University of Dresden Authorization to teach at TU-Dresden (Umhabilitation, Lehrbefugnis) |
Research Group Leader | March 2013 - |
Physics of Correlated Matter, CPfS-MPI Dresden Host: Hao Tjeng |
Priv. Doz. | 6 May 2010 |
Inorganic Chemistry Department, University of Cologne Habilitation title:"Exploring new homologues of Swedenborgite - compositions and properties." Host: Gerd Meyer |
Post Doc. | September 2006 - | II. Physics Department, University of Cologne Host: Axel Freimuth (SFB 608) |
Post Doc. |
April 2005 - |
Solid State Physics Department, Technical University Braunschwieg Host: Prof. Peter Lemmens |
Post Doc. | July 2002 - |
Inorganic Chemistry Department, Münster University Project title: "Magnetic properties of transition metal based oxides" Host: Prof. Rainer Pöttgen (Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung) |
Ph. D. |
10 September 1999 - |
Inorganic Chemistry Department, Stockholm University Doctor thesis titel: "Preparation, structure, and properties of Hg,Tl-containing high-temperature superconductors", Supervisor: Prof. Ingrid Bryntse |
M.Sc. (Fil.Lic.) |
January 1997 - | Inorganic Chemistry Department, Stockholm University |
B. Sc. (Fil.Cand.) |
August 1993 - | Inorganic Chemistry Department, Stockholm University |
Chem. Eng. |
August 1989 - | Åsö Gymnasium, Stockholm |
Language proficiencies:
Swedish - mother tongue
English - perfect in speech and writing
German - perfect in speech and good in writing
Swedish - mother tongue
English - perfect in speech and writing
German - perfect in speech and good in writing
Referee for the following journals:
Advanced Materials
Applied Physics Letters
Ceramics International
Chemistry of Materials
Crystal Growth and Design
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
European Physical Journal B
Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of Applied Physics
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Journal of Materials Chemistry
Journal of Materials Science
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Physica B
Physical Review B
Physical Review Letters
Solid State Communications
Zeitschrift für Anorgansiche und Allgemeine Chemie
Applied Physics Letters
Ceramics International
Chemistry of Materials
Crystal Growth and Design
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
European Physical Journal B
Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of Applied Physics
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Journal of Materials Chemistry
Journal of Materials Science
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Physica B
Physical Review B
Physical Review Letters
Solid State Communications
Zeitschrift für Anorgansiche und Allgemeine Chemie
Acting as opponent (Begutachter) for PhD theses:
• Lisong Xiao, "Green Nanochemistry: Synthesis and Surface Functionalization of Tin and Iron Oxide
Nanoparticles for Gas Sensing, Imaging (MPI) and Cellular Uptake Applications", supervisor: Sanjay
Mathur, at: Inorganic Chemistry, University of Cologne, Germany, 2013
• Gregor Fornalczyk, "Alternative Vorstufenbibliotheken der Metalle Eisen, Mangan, Cobalt und Nickel
sowie deren Einsatz in der Materialsynthese", supervisor: Sanjay Mathur, at: Inorganic Chemistry,
University of Cologne, Germany, 2014
• Outi Parkkima, "YBaCo4O7+δ and YMnO3+δ Based Oxygen Storage Materials", supervisor: Maarit
Karppinen, at: Inorganic Chemistry, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, 2014
Participation in International Schools:
• 3rd International High Pressure School 1 week, 1999, Warsaw, Poland
• 1st SCENET School on Superconductivity 2 weeks, 1999, Lucca, Italy
• 2nd SCENET School on Superconductivity 2 weeks, 2000, Karlsruhe, Germany
• Crystallography Summer School 2 weeks, 2001, Erice, Sicily, Italy
• School on spin-liquids, 5-8 April 2005, Budapest, Hungary
• Received Diploma of Honour for best poster presentation at the MSU-HTSC VI conference (2001)
• Received a grant from the Foundation Blanceflor Boncompagni-Ludovisi, née Bildt (2002)
• Received a grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (2003)
• Received extension of the grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (2004)
• Received poster award at the HFM2008 conference in Braunschweig (2008)