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- Nugroho A. A., Hu Z., Kuo C. Y., Haverkort M. W., Pi T. W., Onggo D., Valldor M., Tjeng, L. H.
Cross-type orbital ordering in the layered hybrid organic-inorganic compound (C6H5CH2CH2NH3)2CuCl4
Phys. Rev. B 94 (2016) 184404
- Valldor M. Merz P., Prots Yu., Watier Y., Schnelle W.
Synthesis and characterization of Cs1-xTi2Te2O (x ≈ 0.2): electron doping by Te resulting in a layered metal
Inorg. Chem.55 (2016) 11337-11341
- Valldor M. Wright T., Fitch A., Prots Yu.
Metal vacancy ordering in an antiperovskite resulting in two modifications of Fe2SeO
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55 (2016) 9380-9383
- Valldor M.
Anion ordering in bichalcogenides
(Invited) Inorganics (open access) 4 (2016) 23
- Wright T., Prots Yu., Valldor M.
Fused perovskite tunnel structures in Ba5Fe6+xS4+xO8 (0.44 ≤ x ≤ 0.55) with x-dependent two-stage magnetizations
Chem. Eur. J. 22 (2016) 11303-11309
- Wong Ch. J., Hopkins E. J., Prots Yu., Hu Z., Kuo C. J., Pi T. W., Valldor M.
Anionic ordering in Ba15V12S34O3, affording three oxidation states of vanadium and a quasi-one-dimensional magnetic lattice
Chem. Mater. 28 (2016) 1621-1624
- Valldor M., Böhme B., Prots Yu., Borrmann H., Adler P., Schnelle W., Watier Y., Kuo C. Y., Pi T. W., Hu Z., Felser C., Tjeng L. H.
[Cs6Cl][Fe24Se26], a Host-Guest Compound with unique Fe-Se Topology
Chem. Eur. J. 22 (2016) 4626-4631
- Valldor M., Merz P., Prots Yu., Schnelle W.
Bad-Metal-Layered Sulfide Oxide CsV2S2O
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016 (2016) 23-27
- Scharffe S., Breunig O., Cho V., Laschitzky P., Valldor M., Welter J. F., Lorenz T.
Suppression of Pauling´s residual entropy in the dilute spin ice (Dy1-xYx)Ti2O7
Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) 180405(R)
- Müller C. J., Bushlya V., Ghasemi M., Lidin S., Valldor M., Wang F.
Ternary intermetallic compounds in Au-Sn soldering systems-
structure and properties
J. Mater. Sci. 50 (2015) 7808-7820
- Gerhards H., Krest A., Eulgem P. J., Naumann D., Rokitta D., Valldor M., Klein A.
Syntheses and Coordination Chemistry of Perfluoroaryl-1H-Tetrazoles
Polyhedron 100 (2015) 271-287
- Valldor M., Rößler U.K., Prots Yu., Kuo C.-Y., Chiang J.-C., Hu Z., Kniep R., Tjeng L.H.
Synthesis and Characterization of Ba[CoSO]: magnetic Complexity in the Presence of Chalcogen Ordering
Chem. Eur. J. 21 (2015) 10821-10828
- Huh S., Prots Yu., Adler P., Tjeng L.H., Valldor M.
Synthesis and Characterization of frustrated Spin-Ladders SrFe2S2O and SrFe2Se2O
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015 (2015) 2982-2988
- Qureshi N., Valldor M., Weber L., Senyshyn A., Sidis Y., Braden M.
Magnetic spin-flop transition and interlayer spin-wave dispersion in PrCaFeO4 revealed by neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering
Phys. Rev. B. 91 (2015) 224402
- Hopkins E.J., Prots Yu., Burkhardt U., Watier Y., Hu Z., Kuo C.-Y., Chiang J.-C., Pi T.-W., Tanaka A., Tjeng L.H., Valldor M.
Ba3V2S4O3: A Mott Insulating Frustrated Quasi One-Dimensional S = 1 Magnet
Chem. Eur. J. 21 (2015) 7938-7943
- Scharffe S., Kolland G., Valldor M., Cho V., Welter J.F., Lorenz T.
Heat Transport of the Spin-Ice Materials Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 383 (2015) 83-87
- Xiao L., Mertens M., Wortmann L., Kremer S., Valldor M., Lammers T., Kiessling F., Mathur S.
Enhanced In Vitro and In Vivo Cellular Imaging with Green Tea Coated Water-Soluble Iron Oxide Nanocrystals
ACS. Appl. Mater. Interf. 7 (2015) 6530-6540
- Valldor M., Adler P., Prots Yu., Burkhardt U., Tjeng L.H.
S=2 Spin Ladders in the Sulfide Oxide BaFe2S2O
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 36 (2014) 6150-6155 (cover page)
- Reim J.D., Rosén E., Schweika W., Meven M., Leo N.R., Meier D., Fiebig M., Schmidt M., Kuo C.-Y., Pi T.-W., Hu Z., Valldor M.
Structural invariance upon antiferromagnetic Ordering in geometrically frustrated Swedenborgite, CaBaCo2Fe2O7
J. Appl. Cryst. 47 (2014) 2038-2047
- Wortmann L., Ilyas S., Niznansky D., Valldor M., Arroub K., Berger N., Rahme K., Holmes J., Mathur S.
Bioconjugated Iron Oxide Nanocubes: Synthesis, Functionalization, and Vectorization
ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 6 (2014) 16631-16642
- Niesen S.K., Breunig O., Salm S., Seher M.,Valldor M., Warzanowski P., Lorenz T.
Substitution effects on the Temperature versus magnetic Field Phase Diagrams of the quasi-one-dimensional effective Ising Spin-1/2 Chain System BaCo2V2O8
Phys. Rev. B 90 (2014) 104419
- Wang G.M., Valldor M., Mallick B., Mudring A.-V.
lonothermal synthesis of Open-Framework Metal Phosphates with a Kagome Lattice Network exhibiting canted Anti-ferromagnetism
J. Mater. Chem. C 2 (2014) 7417-7427
- Grams Ch.P., Valldor M., Garst M., Hemberger J.
Critical speeding-up in the magnetoelectric response of spin-ice near its monopole liquid-gas transition
Nature Comm. 5 (2014) 4853
- Fornalczyk G., Valldor M., Mathur S.
Monomeric Iron Heteroarylalkenolates: Structural Design Concepts and Investigations on Their Application in Chemical Vapor Deposition
Cryst. Gr. Des. 14 (2014) 1811-1818
- Mettenbörger A., Singh T., Singh A.P., Järvi T.T., Moseler M., Valldor M., Mathur S.
Plasma-chemical reduction of iron oxide photoanodes for efficient solar hydrogen production
Int. J. Hydr. Energy 39 (2014) 4828-4835
- Wang G.M., Valldor M., Spielberg E.T., Mudring A.-V.
Ionothermal Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Magnetic Study of Co2PO4OH Isostructural with Caminite
Inorg. Chem. 53 (2014) 3072-3077
- Lehnen T., Valldor M., Niznansky D., Mathur S.
Hydrothermally grown porous FeVO4 nanorods and their integration as active material in gas-sensing devices
J. Mater. Chem. A 2 (2014) 1862-1868
- Chen J.M., Chin Y.Y., Valldor M., Hu Z., Lee J.M., Haw S.C., Hiraoka N., Ishii H., Pao C.W., Tsuei K.D., Lee J.F., Lin H.J., Jang L.Y., Tanaka A., Chen C.T., Tjeng L.H.
A Complete High-to-Low spin state Transition of Trivalent Cobalt Ion in Octahedral Symmetry in SrCo0.5Ru0.5O3-δ
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136 (2014) 1514-1519
- Steinberg S., Valldor M., Meyer G.
Change of magnetic and electronic features through subtle substitution in cubic, noncentrosymmetric extended rare-earth metal cluster complexes {TR3}X3
J. Solid State Chem. 206 (2013) 176-181
- Kolland G., Valldor M., Hiertz M., Frielingsdorf J., Lorenz T.
Anisotropic heat transport via monopoles in the spin-ice Dy2Ti2O7
Phys. Rev. B 88 (2013) 054406
- Valldor M., Meyer E., Rustige Ch., Meyer G.
Clusters and ions in {TR6}X12R (T=Fe, Co, Ru, Os, Ir, R=Dy, Ho, Er, X=Br, I) - a magnetic study
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 347 (2013) 4-9
- Klein A., Krest A., Nitsche S., Stirnat K., Valldor M.
First Homoleptic Complexes of the Tridentate Pyridine-2,6-ditetrazolate Ligand
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 15 (2013) 2757-2767
- Kolland G., Breunig O., Valldor M., Hiertz M., Frielingsdorf J., Lorenz T.
Thermal conductivity and specific heat of the spin-ice compound Dy2Ti2O7: Experimental evidence for monopole heat transport
Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012) 060402
- Wang G., Valldor M., Lorbeer C., Mudring A.-V.
Ionothermal Synthesis of the first Luminescent Open-Framework Manganese Borophosphate with Switchable Magnetic Properties
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 18 (2012) 3032-3038
- Valldor M., Hermann R.P., Wuttke J., Zamponi M., Schweika W.
Spin correlations in the extended kagome system YBaCo3FeO7
Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 224426
- Sanjay M., Lisong X., Jingtian L., Brougham D., Fadeel B., Kiessling F., Valldor M., Schmidt A.
Water-Soluble Superparamagnetic Magnetite Nanoparticles with biocompatible coating for enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
ACS Nano 5 (2011) 6315-6324
- Brühmann M., Mudring A-.V., Valldor M., Meyer G.
{Os5Lu20}I24, the first extended cluster complex of lutetium with eight-coordinate endohedral osmium atoms in two different environments
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011 (2011) 4083-4088
- Valldor M., Uthe A., Rückamp R.
Antiferromagnetic ground state of quantum spins in synthetic Imanite, Ca3Ti2Si3O12: the lost child of the garnet family.
Inorg. Chem. 50 (2011) 10107-10112
- Bäcker T., Breunig O., Valldor M., Merz K., Vasilieva V., Mudring A.-V.
In-situ crystal growth and properties of the magnetic ionic liquid [C2mim][FeCl4]
Crystal Growth and Design 11 (2011) 2564-2571
- Niesen S., Heyer O., Lorenz T., Valldor M.
Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg S=5/2 spin chain compound SrMn2V2O8
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 323 (2011) 2575-2578
- Hollmann N., Hu Z., Wu H., Valldor M., Qureshi N., Willers T., Chin Y.-Y., Cezar J.C., Tanaka A., Brookers N.B., Tjeng L.H.
Orbital occupation and magnetic moments of tetrahedrally coordinated iron in CaBaFe4O7
Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Comm. 83 (2011) 180405
- Valldor M., Heyer O., Komarek A.C., Braden M., Lorenz T.
Magnetostrictive Néel ordering of the spin-5/2 ladder compound BaMn2O3: Distortion-induced lifting of geometrical frustration
Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011) 024418
- Valldor M., Breunig O.
Crystal structure and properties of the manganese containing Swedenborgite
Solid State Sci. 13 (2011) 831-836
- Hollmann N., Hu Z., Valldor M., Maignan A., Tanaka A., Hsieh H.H., Lin H.-J., Chen C.T., Tjeng L.H.
Elektronic and magnetic properties of the kagome systems YBaCo4O7 and YBaCo3MO7 (M=Al, Fe)
Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009) 085111
- Valldor M., Sanders Y., Schweika W.
High spin frustration in Co based Swedenborgites
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 145 (2009) 012076
- Valkeapää M., Valldor M., Lidin S., Lada T., Morawski A. Eriksson S.
Single crystal growth and structure determination of misfit layer oxide [Sr2TlO3][CoO2]1.77
J. Cryst. Growth 306 (2007) 233-239
- Schweika W., Valldor M., Lemmens P.
Approaching the ground state of the kagomé antiferromagnet
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 067201
- Valldor M.
The new compound YBaCo4O7 and its homologues exhibiting strong magnetic frustration
Chap.3 in New Topics in Condensed Matter Research, Editors Velle L.R., Chang J.V., Nova Science publishers (2007) 75-102
- Esmaeilzadeh S., Hålenius U., Valldor M.
Crystal growth, magnetic and optical properties of the ternary nitride MnSiN2
Chem. Mater. 18 (2006) 2713-2718
- Valldor M., Pöttgen R.
Synthesis and structure of NbPdSi
Z. Naturforsch. B 61 (2006) 339-341
- Valldor M.
Remnant magnetization above room temperature in the semiconductor Y0.5Ca0.5BaCo4O7
Solid State Sci. 8 (2006) 1272-1280
- Demazeau G., Baranov A., Pöttgen R., Kienle L., Möller M.H., Hoffmann R.-D., Valldor M.
A water-free high-pressure synthesis route to rutile type RhO2
Z. Naturforsch. B 61 (2006) 1500-1506
- Valldor M., Esmaeilzadeh S., Andersson M., Morawski A.
Preparation and characterisation of the double perovskite Sr2TaMnO6
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 299 (2006) 161-169
- Mishra R., Bharadwaj S.R., Das D., Valldor M., Pöttgen R.
Preparation, characterization and thermodynamic stability of Rh3Te2O10
J. Nuclear Mater. 357 (2006) 183-190
- Valldor M.
Magnetic investigations on six compounds with the general formula (Ca,Y)Ba(Co,Fe,Al,Zn)4O7 and the structures of YBaCoFeZn2O7 and YBaCo2FeZnO7
Solid State Sci. 7 (2005) 1163-1172
- Valldor M.
Magnetic properties of compounds in the system CaBaCo4-x-yZnxAlyO7 (x = 0,1,2, y = 0,1)
J. Phys. Chem. Solids 66 (2005) 1025-1033
- Emme H., Valldor M., Pöttgen R., Huppertz H.
Associating borate and silicate chemistry by extreme conditions: high-pressure synthesis, crystal structure and properties of the new borates RE3B5O12 (RE = Er - Lu)
Chem. Mater. 17 (2005) 2707-2715
- Valldor M.
Disordered magnetism in the homologue series YBaCo4-xZnxO7 (x = 0-3)
J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 16 (2004) 9209-9225
- Heying B., Pöttgen R., Valldor M., Rodewald U.Ch., Mishra R., Hoffmann R.-D.
Synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of the silicides REIrSi (RE = Ce, Pr, Er, Tm, Lu) and SmIr0.266(8)Si1.734(8)
Monatshefte för Chemie 135 (2004) 1335-1347
- Kraft R., Valldor M., Kurowski D., Hoffmann R.-D., Pöttgen R.
Ternary indides REMgIn (RE = Y, La-Nd, Sm, Gd-Tm, Lu) - Synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties.
Z. Naturforsch. B 59 (2004) 513-518
- Valldor M.
Syntheses and structures of compounds with YBaCo4O7 type structure
Solid State Sci. 6 (2004) 251-266
- Ghorbani S.R., Lundqvist P., Andersson M., Valldor M., Rapp Ö.
Thermoelectric power and resistivity of Nd1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-δ
Physica C 353 (2001) 77-84
- Valldor M., Boullay P., Axnäs J., Bryntse I.
X-ray diffraction studies of 2212 type superconductors in the Tl-Hg-Ba-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system
J. Solid State Chem. 153 (2000) 106-117
- Valldor M., Esmaeilzadeh S., Pay-Gomez C., Grins J.
A new high-temperature cubic fluorite type phase Mo0.16Bi0.84O1.74 with a rare three-dimensional incommensurate modulation
J. Solid State Chem. 152 (2000) 573-576
- Ghorbani S.R., Lundqvist P., Andersson M., Valldor M., Rapp Ö.
Thermoelectric power and resistivity of Nd1-xCaxBa2Cu3Oy and Nd1-xLaxBa2Cu3Oy
Physica C 339 (2000) 245-252
- Valldor M., Bryntse I., Morawski A.
Synthesis and X-ray single-crystal analysis of a 2212-type superconductor in the Tl-Hg-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system
Physica C 314 (1999) 27-35
- Valldor M., Bryntse I.
Comparative studies of 2212 type superconductors in the Tl-Hg-Ba-Sr-Ca-Cu-O system
J. Low Temp. Phys. 117 (1999) 867-871
- Valldor M., Bryntse I., Barkauskas J., Kareiva A.
Synthesis and characterisation of the thallium-substituted superconducting cuprate Hg1-xTlxBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ
Adv. Funct. Mater. 9 (1999) 135-144