Site, Date, Title

  • ICM2015, Barcelona 6 - 10 July 2015
    • "Low-dimensional magnetism induced by chalcogen ordering"

    SCES2011, Cambridge 29 Aug. - 3 Sept. 2011
    • "Swedenborgite, a mineral with diversity"

    Annual SOPRANO meeting, Dresden 3-5 February 2010
    • "Magnetostrictive transition of complex order in the chain-ladder approximant BaMn2O3"

    HFM 2009, Braunschweig 10 September 2009
    • "High spin frustration in Co based Swedenborgites"

    SNI 2006, Hamburg 4-6 Oct. 2006
    • "Diffuse neutron scattering from a kagomé antiferromagnet"

    JCNS 2006, Jülich 16-17 Feb. 2006
    • "A new kagomé Heisenberg antiferromagnet"

    Orbital 2005, Uni. Hamburg 5-6 Oct. 2005
    • "Disordered magnetism above room temperature in Y0.5Ca0.5BaCo4O7"

    SNSS-2001, Lund 3-4 December 2001
    • "Neutron diffraction on the new compound YBaCo4O7"

    MSU-HTSC VI Moscow 24 June-1 July 2001
    • "Weak magnetic interactions in the new compound YBaCo4O7"

    SCANDEM, Stockholm 11-15 June 2001
    • "Studies of the new compound YBaCo4O7"

    ECSSC8, Olso 23 May-1 June 2001
    • "Weak magnetic interactions in the new compound YBaCo4O7"

    MSU-HTSC V, Moscow 24-29 March 1998
    • "A new Sr containing 2212 type superconductor"