FZ-Jülich, European Spallation Source
  • Werner Schweika
    Theme: Diffuse neutron scattering on spin liquids and spin glasses including full neutron polarization analysis to filter out the magnetic part of the whole scattering. Monte Carlo simulation of a geometrically frustrated spin lattice with given spin couplings are used to obtain models of the spin structures. We have found a very rare magnetic feature, namely a chiral spin liquid or spin-glass, and the measurements are still continuing in search of a description suiting the complex spin state.

    ILL, Grenoble
  • Navid Qureshi
    Theme: Elastic neutron scattering experiments on single crystalline materials at verying temperatures to investigate both nuclear and magnetic spin structures.

    SPODI, FRMII, Munich
  • Anatoliy Senyshyn
    Theme: Elastic neutron scattering experiments on solid state powder samples at temperatures down to 0.5 K and at constant wavelength. The aims are to investigate both nuclear and magnetic spin structures.

    HEIDI, FMRII, Munich
  • Martin Meven
    Theme: Elastic neutron scattering experiments on solid state single crystal samples at temperatures down to 1.2 K and at constant wavelength. Now spin polarization analysis also is possible.