Site, Date, Title

  • Hemdsärmelkolloquium, Karlsruhe, 17-19 March 2016
    • "Drei in Einem"

    Invited talk in Hign-Field Lab, Helmholz-Zentrum, Dresden-Rossendorf, 28 October 2015
    • "Heteroleptically coordinated iron on ladders in novel compounds"

    European Conference on Solid State Chemistry (ECSSC), Vienna, 24-26 August 2015
    • "Synthesis and characterization of Ba[CoSO]: magnetic complexity and chalcogen ordering"

    Hemdsärmelkolloquium, München, 26-28 February 2015
    • "Ein Anionenkonzept"

    Invited talk Aalto University, Helsinki, 26 November 2014
    • "Composite Anionic Lattices to Obtain Chemical Diversity"

    Invited talk Aalto University, Helsinki, 7 August 2012
    • "Composite Anionic Structures"

    Invited talk IFF, IFW, Dresden, 25 June 2012
    • "Crystal growth of Swedenborgites and their physical properties"

    Hemdsärmelkolloqium, Oldenburg 8-10 March 2012
    • ""New" aspects of chemical research"

    Tag der Selten Erden, Terrae Rarae, Karlsruhe 12-14 October 2011
    • "Complex magnetism in new rare-earth metal compounds"

    Invited talk, SFB608 Workshop 2009 - Kerkrade 2 October 2009
    • "New Swedenborgites - a playground for chemistry and physics"

    DPG 2009, Dresden 23 March 2009
    • "Polarized neutron scattering on geometrically frustrated magnets with Swedenborgite structure"

    DPG 2007, Regensburg 27 March 2007
    • "The antiferromagnetic ground state on 2D kagomé lattices in Y0.5Ca0.5BaCo4O7"

    Invited talk at the Institute for Solid State Science (IFF), FZ Jülich, Jan. 2006
    • "The new compound YBaCo4O7 and its homologues exhibiting strong magnetic frustration"

    Invited talk at the Solid State Physics Dep., Universität zu Köln Nov. 2005
    • "The new compound YBaCo4O7 and its homologues exhibiting strong magnetic frustration"

    Invited talk at the Solid State Physics Dep., Technische Universität Braunschweig 2005
    • "Disordered magnetism in a new cobalt oxide"

    Hemdsärmelkolloquium, Dortmund 13-15 March 2003
    • "Magnetic Disorder in a Structurally Frustrated Co-oxide Based System"

    Alexander von Humboldt Tagung, Bochum 2003
    • "Weak Magnetism in a Co-Based Metal-Oxide"

    Workshop SSF OXIDE 2002, Göteborg 7-8 March 2002
    • "15 min - Weak magnetism of Metal-oxides"

    Crystallography Summer School Erice 22 May-1 June 2001
    • "Studies of the new compound YBaCo4O7"

    Workshop SSF OXIDE 2001, MC2 Göteborg 5-6 April 2001
    • "Magnetism of 3d-transition metal based oxides"

    MOS-99, Stockholm 28 July-2 August 1999
    • "Studies of both alkali earth metal sites in Hg,Tl-based 2212 and 1212 superconductors"

    4th Swedish-Russian Conf. on Mixed-Valency Metal Oxides Sånga-Säby 23-26 April 1999
    • "Investigations of structure and composition related to transition temperature for Tl,Hg-based superconductors"

    Fall Meeting MRS 98, Boston, Massachusetts 30 November-4 December 1998
    • "A comparative study of Tl,Hg-based 2212 type superconductors"