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Teaching Experience
TU-Dresden, MPI-Dresden
•Teaching in "Spins do" (special seminars of own design concerning the magnetic properties of matter and how to interpret magnetic data, 12 weeks)
• Proxy Teaching "Grundlagen der Chemie für Ingenieure" 2014, 2015, and 2016 (part of obligatory teaching)
• Supervising two Canadian bachelor students E.J. Hopkins and S. Huh from UBC, Vancouver during the time May 2014-December 2014.
• Supervising a Taiwanese Master student P.-C. Chang from Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, during the time August 2014-March 2015.
• Hosting post.doc. Kwing To Lai, Chinese University of Hong-Kong, (January 2015-) and supervising him in projects related to my own.
• Supervising two Canadian bachelor students C. Wong and T. Wright from UBC, Vancouver during the time May 2015-December 2015.
University of Cologne
• Supervising students in advanced physics experiments ESR (50 times, one day)
• Supervising students in advanced X-ray scattering physics experiments (20 times, one day)
•Teaching in "Heavy Metal" (special seminars of own design about metals and intermetallics - synthesis and properties, 10 weeks)
•Teaching in "Alchemy" (special seminars of own design about the manipulation of matter with different chemical and physical parameters, 8 weeks)
•Teaching in "Spins do" (special seminars of own design concerning the magnetic properties of matter and how to interpret magnetic data, 12 weeks)
•Teaching in "Überstrukturen" (special seminars of own design concerning the role of superstructures for the materials properties, 12 weeks)
•Teaching in "Spins do2" (follow-up special seminars of own design concerning the magnetic properties of matter and how to interpret magnetic data, 10 weeks)
•Teaching in "Inorganic Chemical Synthesis" (Special block seminars of own design, 1 full week)
• Helping in supervising many Ph.D. students concerning their chemical problems.
• Supervising master student Lena Glassberger finishing her practical research task "Zucht und Untersuchungen von groβen Lyonsite-Kristallen", including writing report and final oral exam.
• Assistant teacher in Physics (Physik II - 2 times, half-year)
• Supervising students doing experiments in General Physics (2 times, 10 weeks)
•Teaching in "Methods and Principles in Solid State Physics and Chemistry" (5 weeks)
• Helping in supervising several Ph.D. students concerning their chemical problems.
• Supervising 15 week-long projects (ACF)
• Supervising 10 3-week-long projects (Forschungsprojekt) of own design
• Helping in supervising several PhD students.
University of Stockholm
• Laboratory chemistry (General Chemistry, 10 weeks)
• Laboratory chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry, 2 times, 5 weeks)
• Supervising third year university students in a three-week long project of own design about magnetic oxides
• Laboratory chemistry (Coordination and Complex Chemistry, 2 times, 10 weeks)
• Laboratory chemistry (Chemical Bonding , 10 weeks)
Slides to "Spins Do" Seminars (in German)