Physics of Correlated Matter
  • Nils Hollmann, Zhiwei Hu, Liu Hao Tjeng
    Theme: High energy X-ray beams can probe the spin- and oxidation state of metal ions in new materials in crystalline and powder form. Moreover, if the photons are circular polarized, estimations of spin- (S) and orbital (L) moment of the resulting spin (J) can be done separately. By applying selection rules it is even possible to assign orbital occupancy on a transition metal ion in a single crystal.

    Daria Mikhailova
    Theme: Intercalation of low-valent cations in transiton metal chalcogenides with layered crystal structures

    Alexander C. Komarek
    Theme: Neutron diffraction on new and previously known transition metal oxohalides.

    Chemical Metallurgy
  • Marcus Schmidt, Igor Veremchuk, Juri Grin
    Theme: Syntheses under extreme conditions or with transport agents to invoke reaction between extremly inert compounds or to form single crystals, respectively. Solving crystal structures from X-ray diffraction data including new type structures.

    Inorganic Chemistry
  • Peter Höhn, Rüdiger Kniep
    Theme: New ideas about synthesis methods to reach new materials. The synthesis and characterization of new oxo-nitrides and nitrides. The extended synthesis methods involve arc-melting high-vacuum and high-frequency furnaces. These investigations are of pure basic research nature and several completely new compound have been discovered already.