Project description - in short

The anionic lattice in solid-state crystalline materials is often composed of only one species e.g. oxygen. In this project, we are aiming to design and understand the appearance of super lattices of two or more anions. The mixture of at least two anions will, unless a solid solution results, cause the atomic arrangement to assume a dimensionality e.g. 0 D cluster, 1 D columns, 2 D layers, or a more complex 3 D distribution. Due to the different bonding character of the anions to the selected cations, this dimensionality affects the material properties and, thus, increase the chance of entering physically challenging situations. Several alternative synthesis methods have to be applied to ensure effective reaction between the thermodynamically different constituents. Reactions in ionic melts and at high pressures under predestined conditions, i.e. closed systems, are typical techniques within this project.

Small single crystals of new compounds that are being investigated.

Institute Research Group Leader

  • PD PhD Martin Valldor

  • Contact Information
    • Dr. Martin Valldor
      Noethnitzer Strasse 40
      D-01187 Dresden

      E-mail: martin.valldor(at)
      (replace (at) with @)
      Phone: +49-351-46464424
      Fax: +49-351-46464902